Colure Shine Serum 4oz

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Colure Shine Serum is a non-greasy formulation that has been formulated to provide a radiant shine to your hairs while also promote their strength and smoothness.

If your dull hairs are proving to be a nuisance, you need to buy yourself the Colure Shine Serum that has been designed to offer a long lasting shine to your hairs.

Other than its basic use, it has numerous other goodies under the hood. It does not coat your hairs and prevents the color from fading. All the natural and essential nutrients of the hairs are restored. In addition, the moisture in your cuticles is sealed, offering you beautifully nourished hairs.

Features and Benefits
Nano molecular technology for enhanced penetration.
Minimizes damage caused by thermal appliances.
Causes no color fading.
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